
GOLLER GRADE & GRAVEL LLC provides delivery and hauling services. We truck products from chosen quarries or numerous other sources and deliver to the customer’s destination site. We are not a gravel or topsoil yard, but instead purchase products at wholesale and provide delivery service. This provides savings for the customer who, for instance, requests a five yard load of gravel when the quarry delivers a minimum of 10 yards, which is too much for the customer.  We deliver 5 yard loads. 


Gravel Generally, driveway gravel is 3/4- with fines (binder). There are two choices: crushed gray granite and black basalt (darkest in color). Black basalt tends to pack better. Also when a compactor is used the sharp edges of the basalt are turned down to give a smoother surface. Jeff is very adept at spreading gravel with his dump truck. There are various other sizes of gravel available and some sizes are available without the fines (known as “clean”). 1-1/2″ clean black basalt is good for muddy driveways. 7/8″ drain rock is good for curtain and French drains.
What is the difference between Basalt and Granite?

These are geological terms referring to how the stone was formed. Both are solid stones. For our purpose it serves as a reference to the shape, color, and texture.


Rock With its excavator, GOLLER GRADE & GRAVEL is able to haul any size rock for rock walls and bulkheads and can place large rocks (up to 3-man). We do have larger equipment availalble for bigger rock. We also deliver specialty and ornamental rock for rockscaping and flagstone for patios/paths and have traveled as far as Mount Rainer and the Cascades for specialty rock. How heavy is a one-man stone? Also a half-man, three-man and four-man? Sometimes rock is referred to as a one-man rock, or two-man rock. Stone is measured by how many men it would take to muscle it into position by using an 8′ bar or lever. Because men come in different sizes and strengths, a one-man rock can be anywhere between a small rock and a rock weighing up to three hundred pounds; a two-man rock can weigh upwards of nine hundred pounds.

How many yards are in a ton? This will vary per stone. A cubic yard is 3′ x 3′ x 3′. Gravel will weigh approx. 1.4 ton per cubic yard. Half-man and one-man rock will vary. There are 2,000 pounds in a ton.


Bark There are numerous types of bark, such as large, medium, fine, screened fine bark and chunk or nugget bark (bright in color), cedar chips, hog fuel, sawdust and compost available (see Topsoil below).


Topsoil There are many types of topsoil, 3-way mixes (generally 1/3 peat, 1/3 sand, and 1/3 bark, screened and sterile) as well as 5-way mixes. Compost is usually a mix of aged fine bark (such as alder) and cow manure. Certified organic topsoil is available. There are also garden topsoils available that contain a mix of 1/2 3-way mix and 1/2 compost. Rich, specialty soils such as organic emu topsoil and blended Cedar Grove Compost are also available, although they are more costly.


Sand Goller Grade & Gravel can deliver pit sand (sometimes used for fill or for under pavers), coarser washed sand (for concrete mix) or sandy loam (1/2 topsoil, 1/2 sand which drains well).
Please ask us about other products you are interested in. Chances are we will be able to point you in the right direction if we are not able to deliver them ourselves